Name your blog post: Week 11 – Artist – Choice

 Jason Mecier and Andrew Gorkovenko

1. Who is Jason Mecier?

Jason Mecier is a mosaic artist that creates images of celebrities out of anything he wants, from bacon to make Kevin Bacon and even Honey Boo Boo from trash (although this sounds terrible, the mosaic actually turned out pretty nice. I wouldn't be offended if I was her.). He is quite popular as an artist. According to his biography, his work has been featured in music videos, televsion, and bought by many different celebrities. 

2. Who is Andrew Gorkovenko?

Andrew Gorkovenko is a Russian graphic designer that actually works as an advertising designer specializing in brands. While he does use other media other than food to do most of his work, one of his works that I saw that I thought was very cool was his TripTea collection. Here he creates packaging for different teas and uses the actual tea leaves themselves to depict each country. 

3. How are they similar and how are they different?
I think they're both similar in the sense that they use their art skills for fun and to sell to others. I think a lot of the artists we did before were very serious about their craft and about being in exhibitions and art museums. Of course, these two artists are also serious about their work but I like that they both seem more relaxed with it, Mecier especially, and that they seemed like they were doing it for fun mostly. It's kind of like watching popular artwork on Youtube that's made to attract people vs. art in a museum. One just seems more interesting and fun than the other, at least to me it is. They're mostly different in the media they use and what they're creating. Mecier makes his work out of anything which includes, a lot of times, food while Gorkovenko seems like he uses food once in a while as a media and not very often. Gorkovenko's work is more minimalistic looking because his work is usually to create branding for companities, while Mecier makes his work very eyecatching because they're meant to be hung up and shown off in someone's house or in the media. 


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