Week 2 - Artist – Leite & Donovan

    Juliana Cerqueira Leite is a Brazillian American sculptor that uses her own body to produce sculptures that still retain imagery of the human body. In an interview about her "Up" exhibit in 2008, she has stated that she is driven by physicality and how the human body interacts with the physical world. Her artwork uses a wide array of materials and often uses her own body to make casts for her artwork. She is inspired by ancient cultures and events which, in my perspective, can be seen in much of her sculptures. In my eyes, some of her sculptures look like if an ancient Greek statue of a human has eroded (not in a bad way). An example of one of her exhibits that look like an eroded human statue would be "Until Different" which was shown in Arsenal Contemporary NYC in 2018. 

    Tara Donovan is an American sculptor that uses everyday items to explore the accumulation and aggregation. She earned fame for her talent in using characteristics of an ordinary object and transforming it into a unique sculpture. From the works I have seen from her, she uses the ordinary objects to create natural forms. According to an Artsy article about her, her work adheres to rule based systems which align wtih other minimalist artists. I think because of this, her artwork looks more controlled and like more like a convential sculpture. 

    Both Leite and Donovan are sculptors, but their sculptors focus and depict different aspects of life. Donovan's depicts natural life forms while Leite's work shows how the human body can interact with the natural world. While their work is both related, their art work looks vastly different. I think Donovan's work is controlled and looks like conventional artwork that you would see in an art museum, while Leite's work is unconventional and more interesting. I don't want to say her artwork is ugly, because it's not, but it is something that you'd look at in an art museum and go "oh wow very interesting" (in a good way). Personally, Donovan's art is what I would enjoy more, while Leite's art is something I would actually have to think about. I think if I were to start a sculpture career, both would be the model for me. I like sculptures that depicts things that already exist, so I would probably focus on human sculptures and nature sculptures. I don't think I would have a specific goal, I would just depict human in everyday life.


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